Our Story
So, We Bought This Property...
Brad and I have been married for 26 years now, raised 3 children (almost); 2 of them are out of the house already, and our 3rd will graduate high school in 6 months. It’s been 26 years of learning, listening, and practicing to become a more and more evolved human.
I’ve always told Brad that one day I want to be in nature, in the mountains, growing some vegetables, having a space for my family to come home to, to walk in the woods, to potter around, to let nature nourish us and remind us of who we are. When 2020 brought a family tragedy, we were shaken awake to the fact that life is short and living more simply and more connected to what and who you love is so very important.

Excited for what's ahead
The truth is I didn't know how it would all turn out. It felt so big. Bigger than me. It felt like being called home.... the confluence of all parts of me/us coming together. I didn’t honestly know how this new undertaking of not just a home but now a business in the mountains would feel …. and that is a truth about life I suppose. None of us really know how it will turn out. We can only tend to what we are being called to.
And so here we are, riding the current of the Magnolia House. We decided to let go and run toward it ... to take a risk, to let life be an adventure, to do our work of lovingly caring for our guests, to hold space and offer comfort, to live more connected to the the seasons and nature, to let the responsibility of being in hospitality scare us, to live into the possibility of what this project might become.
Thank you - thank you for joining us. We are excited to meet you, to welcome you, to be in service to you.

Our deepest intentions go in to our work here ...
We are in service to our guests..... holding space for joy to unfold here.